Create a Staging Domain
Create a Staging Domain
Our main goal here is to create a new subdomain from our domain that will serve as a staging url for a client’s website in progress using Amazon’s Route 53 services.
First and foremost login to AWS using our credentials if you don’t know where they are please ask in the ticket.
Once you are in the main dashboard look for the Route 53 Service from the list.
After that in the sidebar click Hosted zones and then you will be able to search
Click on the blue link for and then on the top click Create Record Set then you will have options on the far right
Name: client’s company name
Type: A – IPV4 address
Alias: No
TTL (Seconds): Click 1m button
Value: Depending where the staging site will be is the IP address you want but usually it will be
The rest of the options are fine as default so now you can hit create at the bottom
Wait a few mins and that is it now you can create a new staging site on RunCloud